Darcy Cloud: Release 2022.02.25 (BETA)

Darcy Cloud: Release 2022.02.25 (BETA)

This is the first release of Darcy Cloud, which is the successor to Edgeworx Cloud. To understand more about this naming change, please see the announcement.

Darcy Cloud API

  • v2.0.1

Darcy Cloud Portal

  • v2.0.1


  • v2.0.1


  • Edgeworx Cloud is is now Darcy Cloud. See the announcement for more.

  • edgectl has switched its entire command structure, from noun-verb to verb-noun . We are doing this based on user feedback from customers who are more familiar with the Kubernetes kubectcl get X style of CLI. For example, instead of edgectl account get , use edgectl get account . For more detail, see edgectl docs .

    • Note that if you are using edgectl in scripts or such, and you pull the latest version, you must update your scripts to use the new syntax.

For more info, see our docs site.